Outline proposal for a new development on allocated housing land to provide 140 new homes in a mix of dwelling types and tenures.
The new access road ramps up into the site, curving to the south to reduce the steepness and ensure accessibility for all users. The road layout within the site is designed to respond to the site topography and to create a hierarchy of streets, with a central spine road following the land form to serve the northern and southern parts of the site. A central green space creates a visual focus for the development and opportunities for distant views to surrounding areas. The upper green space is a quadrangle defined by the northern site boundary pathway overlooked by two blocks of four houses each side and open towards views to the south. The lower green space is shaped to open up views towards the mature woodland and pathway to the south. The circulation spine road and pathways link these three open spaces to the pathway connections from the site. The proposed housing is to be generally two storey houses with some key buildings to be designed as visually distinct to highlight the site entrance and arrival point within the development. The existing boundary landscaping is to be retained and enhanced to provide visual enclosure to the development and a structured landscaping strategy for the development is indicated in the illustrative site layout.
Harrow Lane, Hastings
Hastings Borough Council
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